Wednesday, November 16, 2011

dream barn.

I want to live on a farm. I think it's the most consistent, long-lasting dream that I've had.

A couple weeks ago, when I was snowed in with my nephews and niece, we started to draw our "dream town", complete with our "dream house", "dream Main St.", "dream coffee shop", "dream town square", etc. Although I've had this love affair with black as the prominent color choice for home decor, after browsing the style files the other day, I've fallen in love with falun red. Don't you love how modest the exterior looks, and how spacious the interior looks?

This house also makes me happy because there is a mattress on the floor. I've always felt this slight paranoia that I'm still living in my college years because my mattress is still on the floor. I've insisted that it can totally be chic! How comfy does this little corner nook look? It's exactly the idea that I've been going for: cuddle up  on a very low bed with a book and a comfy blanket.

One renovation I'll add? More counter space in the kitchen!

ps, here is my colored penciled dream farm. will you support my pumpkin patch?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

QLC (Quarter Life Crisis)

Remember the point of this blog? I do. It's to record each day's little pleasure's to help avoid a mental crisis at age 25, blah blah blah. Well, today on WHYY's Radio Times, hostess Marty Moss Coane spoke with Jeffrey Jensen Arnett and Hannah Seligson about Twentysomethings & the longer and winding road to adulthood. Listen here. I love this topic. I'll never tire of it. At least before August 5, 2016. And just in case you are too lazy to click, or would rather listen to Pandora or Hype Machine than talk radio, here is the gist:

Today's twentysomethings, particularly those armed with college degrees and facing high unemployment rates, are marrying later, committing  to careers later and perhaps even relying on their parents far longer than twentysomethings of previous generations. Many young people view their twenties as a time to explore their personal and professional options without serious obligations.  And given that they will be working longer and living into their 80s and 90s, does it matter if they put off "settling down" until their late 20s or early 30s? Maybe today's twentysomethings are better off and will benefit in the long run from taking more time to figure things out.

Also, here is a cake from my 25th birthday last August, in honor of those "twentysomethings that are facing high unemployment rates, are marrying later, committing to careers later and perhaps even relying on their parents far longer than twentysomethings of previous generations"! :)